The Filejet Guide to Domestic & Foreign Corporate Annual Report Filings


A guide to secretary of state annual and biennial report filings for domestic and foreign corporate legal entities in all 50 states, plus the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico

Included in the guide is everything you need to know about each state’s reporting requirements for corporations:
  • Reporting agency
  • Annual or biennial report form (if applicable)
  • Filing fee(s)
  • Filing period
  • Filing method

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Annual Report Filings Guide

Each secretary of state has unique reporting requirements. If your corporation operates in multiple states, it can be challenging to stay organized.

Unfortunately, failure to comply with filing requirements can result in fines, a loss of good standing and, sometimes, the dissolution of an entity. These repercussions can significantly disrupt business operations. To avoid potential disruptions, you must implement a system that allows you to remain organized and have full visibility into which actions need to be taken – and when.

To learn more about state-specific annual report filing requirements – and how best to manage them – read the guide.