Entity Management Common Questions

Common Filejet Questions

Filejet does a lot, so sometimes you’ll have questions. Below are the most common ones, but if you have more, feel free to use our live chat.

How do I start using Filejet?

Please reach out by clicking “Get a Demo” at the top of the page and we’ll schedule a time to get you started.

Is Filejet’s platform automated?

Yes, once a new entity is formed on Filejet or an existing entity is added, Filejet will automatically notify you when maintenance and compliance tasks are due. You no longer have to remember due dates and specific forms.

Is Filejet on the Cloud?

Yes, Filejet is a cloud-based platform that can be accessed anywhere with internet access.

Is Filejet secure?

Yes, Filejet uses Microsoft Azure Server Networks for its off-site cloud servers. We understand that protecting shareholder data is more important than ever. That is why we, along with many of the world’s largest organizations, use MS Azure. This is one of the most secure work environments available.

Can I invite co-workers, clients, and other stakeholders to see some or all of my entities?

Yes, you can invite anyone you like, both inside or outside of your organization. You control their access by giving them View or Edit rights. Additionally, you can invite users to have access to individual entities or all your entities across your organization.

What is the difference between paid users and collaborators?

Paid users have full access to the entire system whereas a collaborator has limited access.

Can we pay the State fees separately?

There is no need to worry about making separate fees to the States. Filejet handles all the State fees for you.

What are the benefits of using Filejet?

Tons of ways! Let’s schedule a quick call to better understand how you currently handle entity formation, organization, and on-going compliance now. We’ll be able to show you specific immediate benefits.

Can I upload all my entity documents onto Filejet?

Yes, it is as easy as drag and drop from your computer. Users enjoy the easy process of moving entity management to Filejet. It is also not limited to just storing entity documents. Add any documents you like. We have many users who add things like copies of contracts, permits, reports, etc.


Can I add entities that I have previously formed outside of Filejet onto Filejet’s automated entity compliance platform?

Yes. You can easily add them yourself anytime if you like or we can assist with a mass upload if there are many.

Can we create reports/invoices?

Yes. You can see all our transaction history and track orders in process by users. We can also build custom reports if needed.


Contact us to learn more about Filejet Entity Management Software